Cheri Thompson and her late husband Rick went to Kenya in 1987. Beginning in 1992, Cheri began working with street children in the slums of Nairobi. Ministry grew to a Sunday morning Bible Club and soccer club and then to a drop in center where over 50 street children came to receive a hot meal, medical care and learn about the love of Jesus. In 2003, Cheri opened Challenge Farm in Kitale, Kenya. Challenge Farm is “home” to over 170 children today. 24/7 care is provided for the once orphaned and abandoned children. Hot meals, medical care, counseling, education and technical and agricultural training are provided through the generous gifts of supporters and the child sponsorship program. Some of the current staff of 47 were once street children cared for at the Farm, who went on to University and received degrees and now work in administration, finance, maintenance and social work.
Today, situated on the ten-acre farm are girls’ and boys’ dorms and dining halls, kitchen, food storage, chapel, school (Nursery Class thru Class 8), library, agricultural dept. (cows, chickens, sheep, beekeeping, vegetable gardens), training workshop, soccer field, social work and maintenance offices, administrative offices and a guest house for visitors.
“I know that our Sovereign Lord is in the business of transforming lives and it is always a privilege to see it happening before our eyes. Praise God, it is happening at Challenge Farm.” ~ Cheri E., a recent visitor to Challenge Farm