Back to School Sunday 2023
Join us at Liberty Church on Sunday, August 13th at 10 a.m. as we celebrate our annual “Back to School Service.” We will pray over our students and teachers and send them back to school with a special gift!
Join us at Liberty Church on Sunday, August 13th at 10 a.m. as we celebrate our annual “Back to School Service.” We will pray over our students and teachers and send them back to school with a special gift!
Ready to cook up some fun? This year’s VBS invites children of all ages to get on a roll with God as a parade of food trucks rolls into their neighborhood for the summer’s biggest party!
We kicked off the holiday season here at Liberty Church with an attitude of gratitude and generosity. Here’s a recap of recent events and initiatives that have allowed us to grow together while reaching out to those in need.
It’s that time of year! The Christmas season has arrived at Liberty Church, and we hope you will join us in celebrating! The following events are designed to keep our hearts connected to each other as we focus on the true meaning of the holiday.
This year’s Vacation Bible School program had the highest attendance we’ve ever seen! Three dozen volunteers shared the love of Jesus with 98 children between July 25 and 29.